Thursday, October 28, 2010

10:30 am |||Food and Propaganda|||

When I think of food production in the United States, my mind automatically goes to the fast food industry. And when I think of fast food, the first thing that comes to mind is McDonalds. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding this fast food franchise over the years. One big piece of propaganda against McDonalds was the movie, Supersize Me. The documentary was a way to reveal to America the harmful impact of eating fast food. This caused McDonalds and other fast food chains to put up healthier choices on their menus and even now, most places show how many calories are in each of their items. Propaganda is used on the side of these industries as well. Mostly, it is used to target toddlers and children by showing commercials where the children are happy and even get a toy along with their meal. This form of propaganda is used to lure children into buying unhealthy meals at places like McDonalds and Burger King. Another form of propaganda used against food production are the posters, pamphlets, and videos produced by PETA and their daughter organization PETA2. Who could forget the plummet of KFC sales when a video was released by PETA showing the disgusting and inhumane treatment of the chickens used for KFC’s food. We are bombarded every day with commercials and images on the television and on billboards enticing us to eat at certain places and buy certain foods.

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