Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010 10:30am |||Anything|||

I suppose since this free write is on the topic of my choosing, and I’m not feeling particularly creative this morning, I will write about what I did over this past weekend. I thought it would be boring since most of my friends went away for the weekend, but it was actually really fun. On Friday we went to the DAC coffee house thing to see our friend, Jason, do an acoustic set. It was his first time performing in front of a room, so we thought we’d support him. After that we went to LASO’s dance-a-thon for a little Latin dancing. At first I was somewhat reserved, but then realized that I did not really care about who was looking at me and danced like a fool. We were there until about midnight and on our way back to the dorm, my friend and I decided to sit down while we waited for the others to catch up. It was there that we met a couple of people from Hollis, numbers were exchanged and plans were made. We ended up hanging out with them over the weekend just talking and lounging around. Unfortunately, my friend hooked up with one of them, not drunkenly, and when we saw them again yesterday, he completely ignored her. It was a sad and awkward sight to behold. We resolved since she was hurting a bit, that today would be a girls’ day. That means chocolate and chick flicks.

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