Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 7, 2010 10:30 am |||propaganda|||

Propaganda is all around us. Just think about it. Every time you turn on the television or watch a movie, it is there. Companies pay to have their ads shown or clothes worn in order to further their sales. Whenever someone buys a shirt with Obama’s face on it or a PETA shirt, they are furthering the support of Obama or the PETA organization. It is on billboards, plastered on walls, and in the subways. It is on the clothes we wear and shows we watch. Propaganda is handed out on street corners. We can choose to either buy into it, or not. The spread of propaganda has been around for such a long time. The first things that come to mind are posters made during wartime. Especially during World War II with Nazi propagandas spreading hate for anyone other than the master race with terrible depictions of Jews and gypsies. Propaganda was around a lot during the 60s as well. The peace sign, itself, is a piece of propaganda. A single symbol representing an entire thought.

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