Sunday, September 19, 2010

Show Don't Tell

Erika Sam
10:30 am

It is a bright and sunny day. If you are not from this part of the country, you would not be able to tell that it is the beginning of February. The weather is perfect for a twenty-first birthday party in the park. The grass is several shades of brilliant greens and yellows. Part of a sandy volleyball court peeks through the side of the picture, hoping to be captured as well. The background reveals and empty street with a stone wall. Even further still, hills brush across the back, reaching up the sky as they do so. Across the grass, there are many objects. A black and white striped blanket peeks in at the bottom left corner. Next to it are two different soccer balls. One, yellow and black, was used to play a small game of soccer between friends. The other, silver, white, and red, was kicked between two cousins and a wall. There is a large black guitar case; assorted drumsticks, a Frisbee, a man in a plaid shirt and jeans taking a picture, and a skateboard are strewn across the floor.
All of these things are surrounding the main focus of the picture. That is, of course, the seven people in a line. The first person on the far left with his black hair, white shirt, skinny jeans, and brown TOMS is holding a large white bass drum. The next person has short brown hair and wears a grey v-neck t-shirt and black skinny jeans against her pale skin. She holds two drumsticks in her hand. The third person wears a long-sleeved button-up shirt and a dark wash pair of straight jeans. He plays an African drum while wearing a pair of black sunglasses to shield his eyes from the brightness of daylight. The fourth member of this interesting line of people wears a purple shirt and grey pants as he plays the maracas. The fifth person had black hair and wears a purple dress. Her dress is a deeper color than her predecessor’s. It seems to be a more royal color. Perhaps it is because she is the birthday girl. The sixth member in the line, the last person in line’s cousin, is wearing a brown jacket, black skinny jeans, and black Converse. She holds an egg shaker, not seen in this image, within her hand. The seventh and last member in line is me. I am wearing my hair in a bun with a cerulean long sleeved shirt with brown shorts, black tights, and green high top Converse. In my hand is a tambourine.
This picture is of what started out as a drum circle at a friend’s birthday party. We soon tired of playing in a circle on the ground and took it around Gladstone Park. We went through the grass, by the playground where a little boy was dancing along, and the basketball court before we took it back to our little niche within the park. We paraded around like we were little kids playing back in our own homes. “I feel like a lost boy!” I exclaimed. They laughed and agreed all fans of Disney’s Peter Pan.
I have always loved music and drum circles. This picture reminds me of the random jam sessions and Sunday trips to Venice beach to join in the weekly drum circle. It also reminds me of home. It reminds me of the friends I have made and the places I have been to. In California, I feel like I never ran out of things to experience. I am reminded of the many concerts that I have always loved to attend. It did not matter whether it was a large arena, grassy fairgrounds, small bars, small venues, a house, or someone’s backyard. I love going to shows. Mostly, though, I am reminded of the people I love, and the people I left behind. They are what really matter. Moments like this were pure bliss and that bliss was captured in this picture. Faces are barely made out, but all of the emotion was there.

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