Monday, September 27, 2010

9/27 10:30 am |||Argument|||

If I had an argument to make today, it would be for gay rights. Ever since I was little, I sort of had my own moral compass. Many people believe that the homosexuals of the world do not deserve to have the same rights as straight people. I do not believe that at all. There is nothing wrong or unnatural about being gay. When I was a sophomore in high school, I wrote a speech on why gay marriage should be legalized. It is not like they hurt anyone or are trying to recruit people to join them. The right to marry and get the benefits of that marriage should be available to all who choose to accept it. One of my best friends is gay, and it would kill me to see a future in which he could not live a happy life because there are close minded people in the world preventing him from doing so. Everyone has a right to pursue the path that they see fit in order to achieve their goals, whether they be gay or straight or anyone in between.

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