Monday, November 15, 2010

10:30am |||Media Free Week|||

I definitely know that I depend on all sorts of media available to me. To start with, I spend a lot of time on the internet. There is so much of the world that is so easy to access at just the click of the mouse. I spend a lot of time on social networking sites. I use Facebook, Skype, and Tumblr. I even use for this class. They are all ways in which I can get connected with other people, whether they be a friend from back home, down the hall, or across the globe. Television is a big part of my life as well. I don’t really realize it, but I watch a lot of television. There are certain shows that I watch religiously, which is somewhat sad considering I’m more excited for a weekly program than I am to go to church (which I have sort of stopped going to). Another form of media that I feel as if I can’t live without is music. I am constantly hooked in to my ipod. I love walking by myself and just listening to music as I observe my surroundings. A good portion of my day is spent listening to music. I listen to it between classes, on my way to my room, when I’m doing my homework, and even when I am in the shower. If I could have it constantly playing, I probably would. I think going one week without one of these things would be easy, but to give up all three would probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. My biggest fear would probably be falling behind, or furthermore, to go slightly crazy from the silence. A good thing that would come out of this would be that I’d probably get more reading and studying done.

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