Thursday, December 9, 2010

Self Evaluation

As far as the grade I think I deserve, I hope I am overstepping when I say that I think that I deserve an A in the class. I have completed most of the assignments that you have given out. I think that I improved in forming cohesive and coherent papers and blog posts. When I began this semester, I was not aware of where this class would take me as far as growth in writing. I have to admit that I was in somewhat of a writing slump when the school year began. This class, I think, got my creative writing juices flowing again. I feel like I had to put a great deal of effort into this class. A good many of the assignments I had to write required me to reach into myself and pull out memories that were not always good. I also had to pull out descriptions and phrases and colloquialisms and ways of writing that I did not know that I had in me. I have always been completely truthful in all of my posts and have created them to the best of my ability. If you recall reading my posts and essays from the very beginning of class, I have always remained as honest as possible. I think that that is part of what made my writing stronger. I felt that I had no need to hide anything or fudge the truth in any way, which made me pour myself into my writing. At certain times I did not even have to think about what I was writing. In some cases, that was the best thing. This was when ideas words and the statements I wanted to make flowed freely out of me. The free writes, I think, were the most honest versions of me.

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